The Math in the Middle Institute Partnership (M2) comprising the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln Public Schools (LPS) and Educational Service Unit (Educational Service Units (ESU) #6, #7 & #13 and 15 Rural School Districts), creates and sustains a partnership with the capacity to educate and support teams of outstanding middle level (Grades 5-8) mathematics teachers (122 total) who will become intellectual leaders in their schools, districts, and ESUs. Investing in high-quality teachers, the long-term goal is improving K-12 student achievement in mathematics and significantly reducing achievement gaps in the mathematical performance of diverse student populations. The work of the M2 Institute informs and provides evidence-based contributions to research on learning, teaching, and teacher professional development. Commitment to rural teachers, schools, and districts is a focus feature of M2.
Project Contributions
In Nebraska, University And School Districts Build Formula For Better Math Education
"NebraskaMATH and its partner initiatives have crafted a "wonderful partnership," said Joan Prival, program director for the MSP and Noyce programs at NSF. By linking the university and school districts,…
"NebraskaMATH and its partner initiatives have crafted a "wonderful partnership," said Joan Prival, program director for the MSP and Noyce programs at NSF. By linking the university and school districts,…
Making an Impact: Final Report 2004-11
As the $5.9 million Math in the Middle Institute Partnership came to a close in 2011, the grant and its success has had an enormous impact, greatly benefitting K-12 mathematics…
As the $5.9 million Math in the Middle Institute Partnership came to a close in 2011, the grant and its success has had an enormous impact, greatly benefitting K-12 mathematics…
Connecting the Pieces: Methodology for Developing Student Achievement Trajectories from Different Instruments
Student achievement data is one tool for documenting the impact of MSP programs on student learning. These data are used to build trajectories of student performance over time. Detecting MSP…
Student achievement data is one tool for documenting the impact of MSP programs on student learning. These data are used to build trajectories of student performance over time. Detecting MSP…
Understanding Teacher Leadership in Middle School Mathematics: A Collaborative Research Effort
"We report findings from a collaborative research effort designed to examine how teachers act as leaders in their schools. We find that teachers educated by the Math in the Middle…
"We report findings from a collaborative research effort designed to examine how teachers act as leaders in their schools. We find that teachers educated by the Math in the Middle…
Building Middle-Level Mathematics Teachers' Capacities as Teachers and Leaders: The Math in the Middle Institute Partnership
"This article describes professional development for middle-level mathematics teachers offered through the Math in the Middle Institute Partnership, a National Science Foundation-funded project to build teachers capacities to improve mathematics…
"This article describes professional development for middle-level mathematics teachers offered through the Math in the Middle Institute Partnership, a National Science Foundation-funded project to build teachers capacities to improve mathematics…
A Study of Middle Level Students' Mathematical Understanding Using Alternative Assessments
"The ultimate goal of any professional development opportunities for teachers ought to be the improvement of student learning. It is a goal of the Math in the Middle Institute Partnership...
"The ultimate goal of any professional development opportunities for teachers ought to be the improvement of student learning. It is a goal of the Math in the Middle Institute Partnership...
Linking Teacher Characteristics to Student Mathematics Outcomes
"The Math in the Middle Institute Partnership (M 2 ) is designed to improve K-12 student mathematics achievement by creating sustainable partnerships among individuals...
"The Math in the Middle Institute Partnership (M 2 ) is designed to improve K-12 student mathematics achievement by creating sustainable partnerships among individuals...